Climate Change is Real

Climate Change is Real

Nature will take its own course and the outcome of which will be detrimental to the lives of many as we continually disregard the gift of nature to mankind. As the climate change begins to take its toll which severely affects the livelihood of the vulnerable that even the innocence and irresponsible, the unwilling social being and well to do cannot keep solace nor escape in the final analysis from the scourge of nature’s wrath. Through the eye in the sky and testimony on the ground the evidence is witnessed by so many of us and at that very moment, we asked ourselves wordlessly on what we can do for the sake of humanity.  

In doing so, “The Green Asia Initiative”, an organization committed to ecological balance and socio economic development is established as a part of environmental crusade for cleaner air and water worldwide by way of reforestations, whereby the concentration of its effort and resources as contributory to the cause are focused in Asia. The organization firmly believes that this environmental crusade will fundamentally revolutionize the social and economic livelihood of the community of people and its surrounding villages in the developing and third world nations.