The Perspective

In this age of Global Warming, when the climatic conditions of our planet earth is continuously and severely changing – there is no friends nor enemies among nations facing a common foe in our lifetime and so as the generations to come regardless of social and economic status, human race and ethnicity, gender  identification, individual ages, traditional beliefs and philosophical differences, for we  are now all floating in the same boat  under one planetary roof.

We inherited this earth and discovered                                                                                   its various valuable  assets and built the power by burning fossil fuels and utilize                                                                                  its profitably the  exploits of our earth’s resources, which consequently made                                                                                        the life convenient for many  of us and luxurious to others.This is the economic                                                                                  model we inhabit which is responsible for the advancement of man’s  material                                                                                    progress on a business platform    intolerance to zero growth, which is                                                                                           now under siege by the invisible waste a derivative of the energy that  man                                                                                                himself converted which manifested  through global warming thus,                                                                                                          threatening the survival of mankind.

Our ideological difference in the                                                                                                  discourse of global warming is the
single impediment to wrestle our                                                                                                 common foe to the ground. The thought of starting all over again is not an                                                                                                 alternative option other than to find a new platform or a business/ economic                                                                                      model where growth will still persist and alive, a system that serve the                                                                                                 greatest numbers with the greatest goods and services. However, the                                                                                                trajectory of social and economic historical development of civilization                                                                                        and currently, the fear of being usurped by climate change is viewed                                                                                                             conceptually misunderstood as socially and economically destabilizing in our                                                                                        market system but nonetheless, the demand for the production of social                                                                                          goods and services ensue an enormous growth and therefore, profitable                                                                                                 comparatively many times over.
We are living dangerously in a period of changing times although we have the infrastructure in place to adapt and arrest the inherent consequential effects of climate change in our social, political and economic order but at the risk of losing our democratic way of life, when in the course of time we crossed the bridge of no return.  Global warming is acceptably considered significantly as the result of manmade activities which is now being monitored and administered by way of political mandate to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide into the air and also by non-binding international Paris accord both of which are political action subject to political amendment at any given time.  Indeed, it is rather confusing, inconsiderate and perhaps laughable in the face of common foe; but what we really need is a breathing period of time for our planet earth to replenish itself with Mother’s nature gifts to mankind.